Monday, July 6, 2009

My new life...

Okay, so the "welcome" post is great, but it's BOOORING! So, I thought I'd write a real post to get the blog started--it'll make me feel better. :)

A few days ago, somebody said something to me that really struck a chord in my mind. Someone said, "Wow, I bet you can't even remember your life before the babies!" Weeeellll...that's not so true. I think one of the pitfalls of having kids a little later in life--after 30--is that you get kind of settled in your ways. We lived what a friend calls the "DINK" (dual income, no kids) lifestyle--by no means were we well-off, but we pretty much did what we wanted to do, when we wanted to do it, within reason, of course. If we wanted to take a trip, we planned for it and took one. If we wanted to stay out late, we did it. I clearly remember some lazy summer days where I didn't get out of my pajamas, didn't even get off of the couch! I would stay up really late, watching whatever I wanted to on TV; I took naps probably every single day (no exaggeration, unfortunately). We went out to dinner at least a few times a week, went to movies when we wanted to. And now...well, as any parent knows (especially a parent of multiples), that is ALL in the past. I'm doing good to brush my teeth every day! I definitely don't brush my hair daily; if I'm staying up late, it's because somebody is having a bottle. Dinner "out" consists of someone picking something up from somewhere; naps are basically non-existent (and if they do, they're awfully short!). The house is loud--someone is always crying. EVERYTHING has changed.

And that said, I wouldn't change a THING about my life right now. If we didn't have the babies, I wouldn't see THIS when I wake up in the mornings:

That smile alone makes every single negative thought disappear. Nothing else matters.

If we didn't have the babies, I wouldn't get to look at this beautiful creature:

Her utter existence is enough to make anyone a believer in miracles. I miss doing what I want, when I want, every single day? I'd be a liar if I said I don't sometimes; we all like a little freedom (and naptime!) every now and then. BUT...would I change a thing? NOT A CHANCE. Look at what I have!! Worth all of the messy hair, dirty teeth days in the world. :)

Gotta go...Anderson is screaming for a bottle. :)

1 comment:

  1. So true! Every new mom can relate. It's a whole new normal...wonderful but takes some adjustment.
