Sunday, July 5, 2009

Welcome to our blog!!

After much consideration, I decided to start a blog, so that we can share the oh-so-fun details of life with our new additions, Amelia and Anderson. It serves a few purposes: to give us a way to share pictures with our family and friends who DON'T have Facebook (seriously...who doesn't have Facebook? :), and to document our time with the babies, because it is flying by, and sometimes (well, okay, ALL of the time) we don't take the time to write things down. By doing this, there's a permanent copy of the funny, interesting, or just sweet moments with the kiddies. I'll do my best to update it fairly often, and I'll definitely keep the pictures up-to-date. Any actual picture albums will probably be on the right-hand side; any random pictures will just be in the posts. Check out the "3 month adjusted" album--full of pictures from A & A's 3 month adjusted birthday (Facebook visitors, there are more pictures than are in the album on FB! :) I hope you enjoy reading the blog as much as I enjoy posting it! More to come...

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