Sunday, July 12, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things....

One of the purposes for starting a blog, for me, was to have a record of some of the experiences we have with the babies. Every day, little things happen that make me smile, and I always think, *this* is what parenthood is all about! I know that these little moments will change as the babies grow up, so I want to take some time periodically to just share what they're doing that makes me smile at that given time. For now, here are my favorite things:

* When Anderson first wakes up, and he's still all bundled in his swaddle blanket, and opens those huge eyes. He looks like a little sweet deer; as soon as you look at him and smile, he smiles SOOOOO big! I literally live for those morning smiles.

* I shared this one previously, but when you wake Amelia up to eat, and she's swaddled, as soon as you unwrap her, she stretches SO's sooo cute.

* When I'm getting ready to feed Anderson, and he knows it's time to put the bottle in his mouth, he opens his little mouth in anticipation and kind of makes a soft little grunting noise. It reminds me of a baby bird; it's so sweet.

* Amelia is just now really starting to smile. Her smile is so wonderful; it looks like a little half-moon. It looks and feels different from Anderson's, and I love that it's uniquely hers.

* I LOVE that Anderson loves all of his Lovies! He absolutely adores all of his little blankies; any time you hand him one, he grabs it with those chubby little hands and just hugs it! He eats it, he holds it with his hands AND feet, he rubs his cheeks on it, he smiles at it...he truly loves his Lovies! I absolutely love watching him with them.

* When it's time to feed Amelia, and you tuck the burp cloth under her chin, she knows it's time to eat, and she sticks out her tongue, trying to lick anything and everything around her. She's like a little snake, or a lizard; SO cute!

* When I'm trying to get Anderson to settle for a nap, and I'm holding him, I can tell when he's ready to fall asleep because he makes tiny sucking noises, as if he had a pacifier in his mouth. Sometimes he manages to suck on my shirt, or the back of his hand, but it's just a sweet sound.

Of course, I have to add a few pics! :) One is Ms. Amelia with one of her newest obsessions; her hands. She LOVES to eat them, which means we do some serious baby handwashing in this house! The other two aren't the best, but they're Anderson with his Lovies. Unfortunately he's NEVER still with them, so they're action shots, and not the best angles, but you'll get the idea.

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